"Building Better Together"

Our Vision: Educate, Exalt, and Elevate

 Our Alliance is founded on the principle of education and assistance for all people, regardless of their location or 
background. We aim to create a comprehensive support system that addresses the holistic needs of our covenant 
partners, including educational advancement, health issues, financial stability, and various other needs

Expand, Educate, Build, Enhance

Our Mission: Uniting Like-Minded Ministries

 Through these focused efforts, we strive to create a powerful network of ministries that can effect positive change on a greater scale.

Leadership Tier:

Guiding with Vision and Experience

Join us to explore transformative religious insights through meaningful discussions and community engagement in our vibrant Dallas center.
 Presiding Prelate

Presiding Prelate

Bishop Tony A. Monk Sr

Dallas, Texas

Second Presiding Prelate

Second Presiding Prelate

 Bishop Toderick R. Miller

Dallas, Texas

National Overseer

National Overseer

Overseer Dr. Corey F. Jackson

Fort Worth, Texas

Bishop of Finance

Bishop of Finance

 Bishop Gerald D. Weatherall, Sr.

Dallas, Texas

 Presiding Bishop - Emeritus

Presiding Bishop - Emeritus

 Bishop Mitchell A. Ford Sr.

Cahokia Heights, IL

Dive Deeper

Explore The Depths of Biblical Studies

Classes Coming Soon


Key Events: Fostering Growth and Empowerment

These cornerstone events provide invaluable opportunities for our members to come together, share experiences, and grow in their faith and leadership abilities. Each event is carefully designed to address different aspects of our mission and vision.

Reset Revival

A powerful event focused on spiritual 
renewal and recommitment. This Revival happens in multiple states and in multiple cities at the same time. Creating a wave of Revival for all Cities that are participating. 

National Summer Conference

Annual gathering for fellowship, learning, and inspiration. The Summer Conference is geared towards growth and development.

Winter Session Leadership Conference

 Intensive training and networking for 
church leaders. Each year we look to bring in knowledable people to provide insight, church strageties, financial planning, and so much to provide tools for our Covenant Pastors and members. 

Empowerment Sessions

Empowering the Body of Christ by providing relevant topics and Biblical solutions. 

Meet The Team

National and State Leaders

Bishop of Protocol and Adjuncts

Bishop of Protocol and Adjuncts

Bishop Dr. Hollie Mayes

National Men's Director

National Men's Director

Dr. Dewayne Johnson

National Music Director

National Music Director

Prophet Mitchel Ford

National Women's Director

National Women's Director

Mother Ora Foster

National Youth Director

National Youth Director

Lady Mar-k Roberson-Craddock 

National Director of Arts

National Director of Arts

Lady Jo'Nee Fields

National Director of Hospitality

National Director of Hospitality

Lady Linda Kelly 

Natonal Event Coordinator

Bro. Corey Culton II

Georgia State Bishop

Georgia State Bishop

Bishop Dr. Scottie Fizer

Texas State Bishop

Texas State Bishop

Bishop Tony D. Roberson


Get In Contact

Reach out to Elyon Covenant Alliance  for more information or to express interest in joining the Alliance.

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