About us
Elyon Covenant Alliance is not a denomination or religious sect. ECA is distinctly an Alliance as defined herein: An alliance, which embraces all ministries, churches, individuals, or other constituents that acknowledge and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
The Alliance is inclusive to all Baptized Believers who acknowledge and accept the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Alliance is in communion with all who agree and are willing to abide by the set forth structure outlined both in the Mission of the Alliance and the policies implemented thereof.
We believe in the autonomy of the local Church and respect it as such. Those who are members of the Alliance do not have to change the name of the church where they worship, but it is believed and expected that the church should claim and/or announce its affiliation or membership in the Alliance somewhere in its description.
Our mission
Elyon Covenant Alliance was established to educate, equip, and elevate pastors, parishioners, and ministry leaders:
To higher levels and standards of living both physically and spiritually
To bring unity among the Body of Christ so that we rise together to make an impact in society
To provide resources for the members of the Alliance
To promote Christian living and excellence
Our desire as an Alliance is to create a system that will allow us to direct covenant partners to the proper place to resource their holistic needs educational, financial, physical, and spiritual.
The Covenant Partner Plan is designed for the sustainability of ministry on a National level. Each chapter will have the opportunity to generate programs and ministry events to allow the chapter to have funds for the local level.
Application Fee: $35.00
Yearly Commitment: $700.00
Para Ministries: 250
*Note: This Commitment Covers The Church’s Membership Each Year
Covenant Partner Levels
During our National Summer Session, Each Leader Is Asked For An Assessment:
Bishops: $300.00 Para Ministry: $75 Youth: $200
Overseer: $200 Women: $500
Pastors: $100 Men: $500
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Let's Take The Journey In Building Better... TOGETHER!